Providing Attribution to CK-12

Giving us credit when you use our content and technology is important for legal reasons, but also supports our ability to make great educational experiences available to students around the world at no cost. Our CK-12 Curriculum Materials License welcomes you to use our content in accordance with that license.

How to Attribute Us

Attribution Guidelines

Last Updated: February 16, 2021

If you display CK-12 content on your website, we require that you do the following on all pages of your website that contain CK-12 content:


Add the CK-12 Attribution Badge

CK-12 Foundation
CK-12 Foundation is licensed under CK-12 Curriculum Materials License

You can use the following HTML code to render the above CK-12 attribution badge:

<div style="border: 1px solid #ccc;padding: 10px 12px;border-radius: 7px;width: 220px;"><div style="width: 88px;float: left;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="width: 100%;" alt="CK-12 Foundation"></a></div><div style="overflow: hidden;font-family: arial;font-size: 10px;font-weight: bold;color: #72767f;padding-left: 15px;margin-top: -7px;">LICENSED UNDER<div><a href="" target="_new"><img style="border: none;vertical-align: middle;width: 100%;" title="CK-12 Foundation is licensed under CK-12 Curriculum Materials License" alt="CK-12 Foundation is licensed under CK-12 Curriculum Materials License" src="" width="80"></a></div></div></div>
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Search Engine Crawling & Indexing of Content

To make sure internet search engines, like Google, understand that CK-12 is the source of the content, we require that you follow ONE of the options mentioned below:


Block search engines from crawling CK-12 content on your website.

Add the noindex rule on all pages of your website that contain CK-12 content, so as to block search engines from crawling and indexing CK-12 content displayed on your website.

There are two ways for adding the noindex rule to your website pages.

1. Add a noindex rule using a meta tag on each page. To prevent most search engine web crawlers from indexing a page on your site, place the following meta tag into the head section of your page:

<meta name=“robots” content=“noindex”>

2. Add a noindex rule using an HTTP response header. Instead of a meta tag, you can also return an X-Robots-Tag header with a value of either noindex or none in your response. Here’s an example of an HTTP response with an X-Robots-Tag instructing crawlers not to index a page:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Robots-Tag: noindex


Add canonical tags pointing to content on the CK-12 website.

For each page on your website that contains CK-12 content, add the HTML canonical link tag in the head section of your website HTML page. The URL in the href attribute of this canonical tag should be the complete absolute URL of that content on the website.

<link rel=“canonical” href=“this should be the URL of the content on website” />

As an example, if a page on your website uses content from the CK-12 cell nucleus page, then you are required to add the following HTML canonical link tag in the <head> section of your website page.

<link rel=“canonical” href=“
lesson/cell-nucleus-bio” />

You may also choose to set the canonical using the HTTP headers.


Link Back to the CK-12 Source

Add a link back to the source page on the CK-12 website. As an example, if a page on your website uses content from the CK-12 cell nucleus page, then you are required to add the following HTML link on your page:


When you copy CK-12 content to any kind of print document, include the attribution image shown below.

Right-click to download the image above. Be sure to include the attribution even if you modified the content that was copied.

We encourage you to embed our CK-12 content (in accordance with the CK-12 Curriculum Materials License) into your HTML web pages by using our embed codes.

Attribution to CK-12 automatically appears on the content. There’s nothing for you to do! Do not remove attribution already included in our embed codes.

You can get the embed codes for our Adaptive Practice, Simulations, and PLIX by visiting these pages and then pulling the code from the individual modality.